【同义词辨析】 2020-08-13 可怖ghastly-lurid

ghastly: suggests the terrifying aspects of bloodshed, death, corpses, and ghosts: a ~ portrait of life after a nuclear war.   aspect有2个意思 1、方面方向a part of something即事物的一部分,如an article that considers the financial aspects of divorce文章考虑了离婚的财务方面,如computers now influence all aspects of American life电脑影响美国人生活方方面面,如the house has a southern aspect房子面朝 2、外观(正式)formal: the way a person, place, or thing appears正式用语,如the place had a peaceful aspect这个地方外观祥和,如he had a belligerent aspect样子好斗,如the old house took on a dark and lonely aspect at night夜晚房子显得黑暗孤寂,如aspect ratio是显示器的高宽比如16:9,来自词根SPECT看to look at,如respect尊重retrospect回顾prospect前景despise鄙视auspice吉兆)      又如ghastly crime/murder/weather/mistake可怕的罪行/谋杀/恶劣天气/错误   可以把ghast想成ghost鬼魂

grisly, gruesome: suggests additionally the results of extreme violence or cruelty and an appearance that inspires shuddering or horror: the case of an unusually ~
murder; the ~ history of the Nazi death camps.     又如a grisly crime可憎的罪行,如本例残忍/骇人听闻的谋杀,如gruesome murder/accident骇人听闻的谋杀案/可怕的事故

macabre: implies a marked or excessive preoccupation with the horrible aspects especially of death: a ~ tale of premature burial.      preoccupied全神贯注一门心思心事重重以致忽略其它事情to think a lot about something that you hardly notice other things,如she looked very preoccupied她看起来心事重重,如本例一心关注死亡      如a macabre tale/joke/ritual可怕的故事/笑话/仪式

grim: suggests a fierce and forbidding aspect: the ~ face of an executioner.   (forbidding 1冷峻 2让人害怕,如a forbidding look on his face冷峻面容, the house is dark and forbidding房子很黑让人害怕, 注意是2个d)    又如grim prospect/picture/face/look/smile黯淡前景/严峻情形/严肃凶狠)的面孔/表情/

lurid: suggests shuddering fascination with violent death and especially with murder: the tabloids wallowed in the crime's ~ details.  这个词强调令人震惊shocking,如lurid headlines/description骇人的标题/描述,如lurid stories of politicians’ sexual adventures关于政客桃色新闻的耸人听闻的报道

ghastly可怕: 表示外观恐怖,如流血死亡尸体鬼魂,grisly, gruesome可怕残暴: 增加了暴力残忍的意思,macabre可怕: 指充斥死亡的样子,grim凶狠: 表示外观凶狠令人害怕,lurid骇人听闻: 指沉溺暴力谋杀

记忆方法: 1)首字母GGGMGL想成马路4鬼<==可怖

         2)可怖的意思是令人恐怖mean horrifying and repellent in appearance or aspect.